SA Brandy Foundation

  • Unit 5 Technoshell Building, 9 Quantum street
  • Techno Park, Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27218801686

Who are we?

Fine Brandy Fusion - the South African foundation The word brandy (brandywine) is from the Dutch word “brandewijn”, meaning burnt or distilled wine. The Dutch used distillation as a method of preserving wine aboard their ships. Indeed, a tot of brandy was offered to the first man on board to sight land, leading to calls of “Land Ahoy” many days before the vessels actually docked. The first brandy in South Africa was distilled aboard the Dutch ship Pijl, anchored in Table Bay harbour in 1672. The assistant cook succeeded in transforming two leaguers (1164 litres) of Cape wine into “three ankers (126 litres) of delicious brandy”. Today, South African brandy is acknowledged to be the world’s finest. Comprehensive legislation and a proud tradition ensure that our brandy is of the highest quality. The title of Worldwide Best Brandy at the International Wine & Spirits competition has been awarded to a South African brandy for six consecutive years. - See more at:

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January 30

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Five things you must know about South African brandy.
Five things you must know about South African brandy.
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