Schoongezicht Country House

  • Schoongezicht Estate, Bo-Dal Road, Dal Josaphat
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)71 332 6451

Who are we?

Schoongezicht Country House is situated in the picturesque valley of Dal Josaphat, on the outskirts of Paarl. Ideal for guests looking for comfortable, self-catering lodging, close to various attractions within the Cape Winelands. This double storey house offers lovely views of the mountains, natural dams, and comprises 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Two of the rooms have en-suite bathrooms, and the third has access to a separate bathroom. The house contains a well-equipped kitchen to prepare and cook meals, and laundry amenities to make use of.

Recent Activity

February 15

Lorenzo Samuels @Schoongezicht Summer Country House posted the photos: IMG_3597, reenboog foto, 20151019_163441-1 (Schoongezicht Summer Country House)

8 years ago

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Schoongezicht Estate, Bo-Dal Road, Dal Josaphat
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)71 332 6451