Sebisa Country House

  • 172 Malan stasie Road
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 020 1619/072 607 9275

Who are we?

Sebisa is located in the heart of Drakenstein, Wellington area, in a beautiful landscape. The property is of about 20 hectares where we grow biologic vegetables like artichokes, asparagus and fennels. We also produce the very famous "Limoncello", an italian liqueur based on lemon. Sebisa is a Xhosa name. Usually they think that people with strong personalities have this name. A person called Sebisa is energetic, charismatic, ambitious and focused. Born to be an executive. If they have true passion for something, they can give everything for it. However this also works both ways. If others want to force on to them things which do not inspire, they can totally refuse to go along. In regards to love they like to have varied and new experiences if possible.

Recent Activity

January 04

Sunè Samuels @Sebisa Country House posted the photos: DSCN0299, DSCN0325, IMG_4468, Sebisa .jpeg, main corridor.jpeg, sebisa logos, DSCN0151, Sebisa 2.jpeg, DSCN0168, DSCN0185, DSCN0288, DSCN0290, main corridor detail.jpeg, IMG_4470, 4ED18EDD-F868-48C9-8667-6DE708259053.jpeg (Places)

6 years ago

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172 Malan stasie Road
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 020 1619/072 607 9275