Soefija's - Deli Products

  • Gilga Farm, Stellenbosch Kloof road, Vlottenburg,
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +072 599 6954

Who are we?

Soefija’s started as an idea of Emma Sophia Dreyer, who wanted to have her own olive oil range in order to have some diversity in the mainly winefarms and for her five children to inherit someday. Thus one of her children, Francisce Gerber, took it over to expand the brand. Therefore the origin of the name: Soefija. The olive orchid of 60 hectares range in five different olive cultivars and is grown on the farms Knollefontein and Leeuwenkuil in the Agter Paarl. We use an outside company for the extracting services and the labeling is done on the farm by hand. After some time in the olive oil industry, we decided to expand our range with a few new products (all made and packaged by Francisce). All labels are designed that the products can serve as small gifts.

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