Soetehuys Guest House

  • 1 Stadsig Road
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • 021 864 3442

Who are we?

Soete Huys Guest House offers you beautiful suites in the heart of the Cape Winelands - Wellington, yet just 30 minutes from Cape Town. Our location makes Soete Huys the perfect choice for wedding guests, birthday parties, visitors to the various training institutions in Wellington as well as wine tours and holiday makers. Many guests choose to make Soete Huys their home for extended stays of a week or more. Our guests comment repeatedly about the peaceful "farm estate" experience while still being close to the Wellington town center and the main attractions in and around Cape Peninsula. The entire property can be booked for group functions. The property was an apricot farm and it maintains a farm estate feel, with big open lawns, mature trees and beautiful gardens, even through it is now at the edge of Wellington and within walking distance to restaurants and shopping.

Recent Activity

September 13

Sune Samuels @Soetehuys Guest House posted the photos: 5462_soete_huys01, logobanner, 5462_soete_huys05, 5462_soete_huys04 (Places)

8 years ago

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1 Stadsig Road
Wellington Western Cape 7655
021 864 3442