SPA&Hammam at Sebisa Country House

Beauty & Fitness
  • 172 Malan stasie Road
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 020 1619/072 607 9275

Who are we?

Indulge in the next evolution of the Spa experience at Sebisa SPA&Hammam. We offer world-class expertise with local flavours to deliver a bespoke experience that is undeniably unique for every guest. Our highly trained spa technicians listen to your specific requests and concerns to provide a level of personalized service that is unmatched. From the moment you make your appointment, each step of your time with us will be tailored to you. Hammam and steam bath. The humidity in a steam bath is extremely high at 98% with a temperature of around 45 degrees Celsius. This raises your body's temperature and puts it to work.The heat opens your pores, after which steam can start having its cleansing effect.Bodily toxins are pushed out through the skin and carried off through perspiration.This also improves the natural resilience and flexibility of the skin.The steam causes a soothing sensation in the muscles, stimulates the blood circulation and takes away daily stress.

Recent Activity

January 04

Sunè Samuels @SPA&Hammam at Sebisa Country House posted the photos: Shop 5.jpeg, Sebisa Boutique .jpeg, Sebisa Boutique 2.jpeg, Sebisa Boutique 2, Sebisa Boutique.jpeg, Sebisa Spa 3.jpeg, Sebisa Spa.jpeg, Shop 1.jpeg, Shop 2.jpeg (Places)

6 years ago

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172 Malan stasie Road
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 020 1619/072 607 9275