• 36 Market Street
  • Stellenbosch
  • 7600
  • +0218864310

Highlights in Stellenbosch South Africa: Lifestyle in the Cape Winelands S��dafrika

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Added by Chayan Singh
4 years ago

Linked from: youtube
https://niedblog.de/10-highlights-in-stellenbosch/ | Eindr��cke vom Lifestyle in Stellenbosch, der zweit��ltesten Stadt S��dafrikas. Mitten in den Cape Winelands gelegen z��hlt Stellenbosch heute zu den bedeutendsten Weinregionen des afrikanischen Kontinentes und ��berzeugt mit einer faszinierenden Mischung aus Idylle, Genuss und einem au��ergew��hnlichen Lebensgef��hl unweit der Metropole Kapstadt. Das Video entstand im Rahmen der diesj��hrigen #Stellenblog Kampagne in Zusammenarbeit mit iambassador.

Stelllenbosch winelands are just a short 30min drive away from the hustle and bustle of Mother City Cape Town in South Africa. Marvin - on behalf of NIEDblog.de - had the pleasure to visit the region as part of 2016's #Stellenblog campaign in collaboration with iambassador. The premier wine and gourmet capital has developed from South Africa's 2nd oldest city and is nowaways a well sought-after lifestyle destination. Yet the city never becomes old with it's vibrant and young culture, awesome boutiqe hotels and high-class nightlife that is always about making new friends, sipping the world's finest wines and enjoying a relaxing braai with lovely folks.

Mehr Informationen, Inspirationen und Impressionen findet Ihr in unserem Reiseblog f��r Paare: http://www.niedblog.de