• Onderplaas
  • Rawsonville, Western Cape
  • 6845
  • +27 (0) 82 8676 958

Who are we?

The legacy of the Stofberg family started in 1763 when Corporal Jacobus Stofberg set foot in Cape Town. The family grew over the years to become well established wine farmers in the Breedekloof valley. Mariette, third generation winemaker decided it’s time to make our own wine from our exceptional grapes and so the journey started. Stofberg Family Vineyards CC originated when family, who shares a passion for viticulture and wine decided to stand together.

Recent Activity

January 24

Lize van Nieuwenhuizen @Stofberg Family Vineyards posted the photos: DSC_0091, 4f3354_f86945146ce24d2889470ec031f4645c, IMG-20150119-WA0005, 4f3354_97deab8770e645609f13fc1b742bce51 (Places)

8 years ago

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Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+27 (0) 82 8676 958