• Old N1 Road
  • Rawsonville, Western Cape
  • 6845
  • +081 383 4390

Who are we?

- Nestled in the Breedekloof valley at the foot of the Du Toitskloof Mountains, lies the family owned Stofberg Wine Estate. Since the late 1800’s wine making became one of the many traditions of the farm Klipdrift where the current winemaker, Du Toit Stofberg followed in his father’s footsteps as winemaker. In 1949 his father, PJD Stofberg(Piet Tof) joined his uncle, Jacobus Du Toit and aunt, Marina Du Toit(Stofberg) on the farm. Soon Pieter, 3rd Stofberg winemaker of the estate and first namesake of his grandfather will join the family, setting forth the tradition by being the 5th generation winemaker of the estate. The Stofberg private family cellar was the first cellar in the Goudini area to implement cold fermentation. The Stofberg history goes back to 1764 when Jacobus Stofberg arrived at the Cape on board ‘Het Hoop’. Stofberg Estate is a tribute to the noble roots of the Stofberg family, especially to our late father and grandfather Piet Stofberg – an estate where tradition meets

Recent Activity

March 13

Lize van Nieuwenhuizen @Stofberg Wines posted the photos: Stofberg Wine 10, Stofberg Wine 4, Stofberg Wine 5, Stofberg Wine 7, Stofberg Wine 9, Stofberg Wines (Stofberg Wines)

5 years ago

Winery Information

  • Owner: PJD Stofberg
  • Year Established: 2,017
  • Wine maker: Pieter Stofberg
  • Varietals: Semillon; Sauvignon Blanc; Chenin Blanc; Pinotage; Shiraz
  • Wines: Border Stone Chenin; Shiraz ; Pinotage;

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Old N1 Road
Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+081 383 4390