Stubbs Decor and Catering

Weddings & Parties & Special Occasions
  • 9 Starking Road, Pniel
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7681
  • +0715671273

Who are we?

Event planning and Co-ordination Décor: Floral arrangements, centre pieces, drapings Hiring: Crockery,cutlery, linen, chairs, tables Catering: A la carte or buffet meals


Recent Activity

March 27

Lavinia Goshai @Stubbs Decor and Catering: Proud #FamilyOwnedBusiness since 1998 Stubbs Décor & Hiring! Call Winston for a quote: 071 567 1273.

7 years ago

October 27

Lavinia Goshai @Stubbs Decor and Catering: Call Winston today and start planning the memories for your special occasion!

8 years ago

Lavinia Goshai @Stubbs Decor and Catering contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

8 years ago

Lavinia Goshai @Stubbs Decor and Catering contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

8 years ago

Lavinia Goshai @Stubbs Decor and Catering contributed to the wiki Profile Message

8 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Winston Stubbs
  • Year Established: 1,998

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9 Starking Road, Pniel
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7681