SylvanVale Vineyards

  • Devon Valley Road, Devon valley
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 865 2012

Who are we?

SylvanVale is the name given to the vineyards surrounding the historic Devon Valley Hotel. Built in 1947, the hotel is a well-known Stellenbosch landmark and generations of Stellenbosch residents have fond memories of enjoying a drink or a meal while sitting on the hotel patio overlooking the vineyards. These vineyards now produce the SylvanVale wines for the Louis family. Grapes have been grown on the property since the 1960s. Today, SylvanVale offers some of the finest quality vineyards in the valley. The south-east facing slopes, with their rich red soils and cool Atlantic breeze, produce superb Pinotage, Cabernet and Chenin Blanc cultivars. Viticulturist Lorna Hughes, who has been instrumental in the renaissance of the property, implements a programme of total quality management, with rigorous bunch selection throughout the year. This results in intensely flavoured and ultra ripe fruit, the basis of SylvanVale's big, bold wines.


Recent Activity

November 19

Jessie Lewis @SylvanVale contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Devon valley
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 865 2012