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  • 6 Verreweide Street, , Universiteitsoord
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • 7600
  • +0218833427

Who are we?

Verreweide is a block away from the R310 main road linking Stellenbosch via Helshoogte Pass with nearby Franschhoek (25 minutes' drive) and also close to the Jan Marais Nature Reserve and beyond that the Eerste River and park-like University sports fields at Coetzenburg. The owners, David and Margaret Taylor, live on the premises and are at hand to welcome visitors and provide additional assistance where possible. There are five units spread between two adjacent properties in Verreweide Street, making combined or family bookings possible. Each of the five units is fully equipped for self-catering (i.e. cooking facilities, crockery, cutlery, bedding and towels are provided). There are also braai/barbecue facilities, but some visitors prefer to bring their own portable braais (e.g. gas).

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6 Verreweide Street, , Universiteitsoord
Stellenbosch Western Cape 7600