Teddy Hall

Food & Dining
  • P.O. Box 2868
  • Somerset West, Western Cape
  • 7129
  • +27.834618111

Who are we?

It's rather strange the twists and turns that life takes. Attending the University of Pretoria while studying a business degree, Teddy Hall would never have said that 20 years later he would be living in the Western Cape and making some of South Africa's most acclaimed wines. "I was the ultimate mid-80's yuppie - working as a broker, with the flashy BMW and penthouse apartment..." Going hand in hand with the lifestyle was a burgeoning appreciation for the finer things in life. Cigars were mandatory for celebrating a good deal; what were great meals in top restaurants for if not to defray against the entertainment budget - and what is a good meal without good wine? It was this enjoyment of wine that ultimately led to the sea change in his life. "It wasn't a case of me consuming wine - which I did! - but wine beginning to consume me..."

Teddy Hall Chenin Blanc.jpg

Recent Activity

August 18

Janice Scheckter @Teddy Hall contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

Janice Scheckter @Teddy Hall contributed to the wiki Profile Spotlight

1 decade ago

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P.O. Box 2868
Somerset West Western Cape 7129