The Franschhoek Cellar

Weddings & Parties & Special Occasions
  • Franschhoek Cellar, R45 Franschhoek Main Road
  • Franschhoek, Western Cape
  • 7690
  • +0218762086

Who are we?

The Franschhoek Cellar has a special selection of unique event venues within the space to ensure we host your most memorable occasion.

Recent Activity

December 07

Dean Matodes @The Franschhoek Cellar posted the photos: Photos Mountain View, 13950979_633174833503991_1055405070_o, 4, 8, 13978023_633174846837323_95174775_o, 1, Lapa Ceremony 1, Photos Mountain View 1, 14, Franschhoek Cellar 090 (Weddings)

8 years ago

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