The G Restaurant at Au’d Hex Estate

Food & Dining
  • 245 Hexberg Rd
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 864 3074

Who are we?

Our restaurant is set in the heart of the Wellington winelands and surrounded by the most beautiful gardens. It is in this setting that we pride ourselves to deliver only fresh and homemade food to our clients and customers. Our aim is to give our guests a laid back experience with easy going food to pair with the delicious wines from Wellington. Our restaurant is not only perfect for enjoying a delectable meal while being surrounded by the beautiful landscape but for any function or event. We are perfectly situated for cyclists to come and enjoy our amazing menu, coffee, craft beer and wine after exploring Wellington’s famous mountain biking tracks. We invite you to come and enjoy true wineland hospitality and what our restaurant has to offer. Kindly note that our restaurant is very popular for private functions and weddings, therefor we are closed for private functions on some days – please follow us on social media for these updates.

Recent Activity

April 24

Sunè Samuels @The G Restaurant at Au’d Hex Estate posted the photos: 9901_AuDehex082, 9901_AuDehex028, 9901_AuDehex036, 9901_AuDehex039, 9901_AuDehex043, 9901_AuDehex045, 9901_AuDehex054 (Places)

5 years ago

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245 Hexberg Rd
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 864 3074