The Habit Guest House

  • 6 Porter Street, Worcester
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • +(023) 342-3538

Who are we?

Tranquil Guest House in Worcester, Western Cape The Habit Guest House offers a tranquil getaway whilst in the heart of historic Worcester, the capital of the Boland. All our Bed & Breakfast accommodation feature en-suite bathrooms with private entrances and secure parking. The high pressed ceilings, wooden floors and beds draped in crisp white linen in its ten individually decorated bedrooms and self-catering cottages adds to the serenity of The Habit. The Habit boasts with a beautiful garden abounding in birdlife with a breathtaking swimming pool as the central feature. This historical building forms part of the Worcester Heritage Walking Route and illustrates graceful architecture and design. Self Catering Cottages are pet friendly and each have their own garden. Whether your reason for visiting is business or pleasure – Let us make it memorable. We look forward to receiving you!

Recent Activity

March 16

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @The Habit Guest House posted the photos: Habit-6793, Habit-6779, Habit170115-0795 (Places)

7 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Tharina Jonker

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6 Porter Street, Worcester
Worcester Western Cape 6850
+(023) 342-3538