The High Road

  • 7D Lower Dorp Street, Bosmans Crossing
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 425 4209

Who are we?

Home Producers of elegant South African Bordeaux styled red blended wines In 1994, South Africa took The High Road and changed for the better. After many years of segregation, the people of our country chose another route – that of democracy. With Nelson Mandela as President, along with the guidance of F W de Klerk, the High Road was achieved. No longer is South Africa the ostracized state, now it is seen as the new beginning where nothing is impossible. As a tribute to a peaceful transition to a democracy, Les Sweidan decided to produce a wine that reflected the new beginning of this great nation – The High Road. Shortly thereafter Les was joined by Mike Church who shared his passion and vision. The quality that is encapsulated in the brand articulates the essence of The High Road wines styled after Bordeaux eminence.


Recent Activity

November 19

Jessie Lewis @The High Road contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Bosmans Crossing
Stellenbosch Western Cape
+27 (0)21 425 4209