The Secret Garden Accommodation

  • 8 Derdelaan , Uitsig
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +0824655090

Who are we?

A special spot for the well-heeled recluse or travellers from abroad who would like to experience suburban quiet and comfort. Situated in a shady suburban garden, this accommodation is available for a minimum of 3 nights at R800 for two per night. The front / reception room can be opened up for al fresco meals overlooking the pool. Two single beds can be used separately or together. Small tasting room/kitchen and en suite bathroom with shower. Art collection by local artists. No meals included but can be provided if pre-booked. Full surveillance security on the premises including watchdogs. Contact 0824655090 Further images and location can be supplied after initial communications.

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8 Derdelaan , Uitsig
Wellington Western Cape 7655