The Watersides at Le Bonheur

  • Babylonstoren Road, R45
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +021 863 1142/ 073 074 1004

Who are we?

Self catering / Bed and Breakfast facilities includes single ( sleeps 2 – 3 ) and double units ( sleeps 5 ). Rates: Self catering: R450 – R550 per person sharing. B & B: R420 – R525 per person sharing.

Recent Activity

February 15

Lorenzo Samuels @The Watersides at Le Bonheur posted the photos: Le Bonheur_waterside self catering_verandah, Le Bonheur_fishing, Le Bonheur_2016_08 (The Watersides at Le Bonheur Croc Farm)

8 years ago

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Babylonstoren Road, R45
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+021 863 1142/ 073 074 1004