Two Dam sustainable

  • Pietersfontein
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +082 748 6448

Who are we?

All trout products are produced and packaged on LANGHOOGTE, a farm in the Montagu area that runs almost entirely on renewable energy. The farm strives towards uncompromised sustainability in all fields of its farming and operational practices; from its water supply, to the alien clearing projects and waste management practices. Trout is a better alternative to some lesser sustainable fish options, especially those fish stocks threatened by over-exploitation in our oceans. The Sustainable South African Seafood Initiative (SASSI) a division of the WWF lists South African farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as a sustainable ‘green-listed’ species.

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Business Information

  • Owner: Vivian Harms
  • Number: +082 748 6448

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Montagu Western Cape 6720
+082 748 6448