Uitkyk Wine Estate

Food & Dining
  • Klapmuts R44,
  • Stellenbosch, Cape Town
  • +27 (0)21 884 4416

Who are we?

THE UITKYK WINE FARM WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1712 BUT SUBSEQUENTLY PURCHASED IN 1763 BY MARTIN MELCK. THE FARM WAS A WEDDING PRESENT TO HIS DAUGHTER AND SON-IN-LAW, JOHAN BEYERS. MELCK, CAME TO THE CAPE AS A GERMAN MERCENARY AND MADE HIS FORTUNE AS A FARMER. The name of Uitkyk "look out" given to the estate is most appropriate. Situated on the southwestern slopes of the Simonsberg Mountain, it looks out across the Cape Flats to Table Mountain in the distance. It is a splendid setting for the striking and magnificent homestead on the property. The 18th century Georgian neo-classical double-story house completed in 1788, is one of only three such houses left in the country.


Recent Activity

March 16

June 28

Mbali Buthelezi @Uitkyk Wine Estate posted a photo: uitkyk (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

January 31

Mark Greeff @Uitkyk Wine Estate posted a photo: Uitkyk winery at the festival (Events)

10 years ago

January 30

Mark Greeff @Uitkyk Wine Estate posted a photo: Uitkyk at the festival (Events)

10 years ago

October 16

Community Manager @Uitkyk Wine Estate: Uitkyk Estate. Uitkyk is one of the most beautiful estates in the Cape. http://bit.ly/1sM8biN

10 years ago

October 14

Community Manager @Uitkyk Wine Estate: Vintage-inspired picnics at Uitkyk. With summer just around the corner, the historic Uitkyk Wine Estate introduces beautiful, vintage-inspired picnics on the lawns of the old Manor House. http://bit.ly/1v7sXKp

10 years ago

August 28

Community Manager @Uitkyk Wine Estate scheduled Pancake Pairing at Uitkyk Wine Estate

1 decade ago

December 09

Janice Scheckter @Uitkyk contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Stellenbosch Cape Town
+27 (0)21 884 4416