Vergenoegd Wine Estate

Food & Dining
  • Lourensford Rd Off R310 Baden Powel Rd
  • Faure, Stellenbosch, Cape Town
  • +27 (0)21 843 3248

Who are we?

Vergenoegd has been owned by the Faure family for six generations. Historic “Vergenoegd”, the Dutch word meaning “satisfaction has been achieved”, was granted land rights in 1696 and the Faures have been on the farm since the 1820’s. The Cape Dutch homestead is a historic monument and dates from 1773. The business is now in the capable hands of John Faure as Winemaker.


Recent Activity

October 06

Community Manager @Vergenoegd Wine Estate shared a video: Vergenoegd Wine visited by The South African Wine Safari

10 years ago

Community Manager @Vergenoegd Wine Estate shared a video: visits Vergenoegd Wine Estate in Stellenbosch

10 years ago

Community Manager @Vergenoegd Wine Estate shared a video: Vergenoegd is finally harvesting! 2014

10 years ago

December 09

Janice Scheckter @Vergelenoegd contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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Off R310 Baden Powel Rd
Faure, Stellenbosch Cape Town
+27 (0)21 843 3248