Waverley Hills Restaurant

Food & Dining
  • R46, Wolseley
  • Wolseley, Western Cape
  • 6835
  • +27 23 231 0002

Who are we?

Waverley Hills Organic Estate is set against the magnificient Witzenberg mountain range and is surrounded by protected fynbos , organic vines and olive groves. Found just outside of Wolseley. Built with glass and style quality fittings and immaculate finish sets in gorgeous canvas for your wedding. Beautiful views of the valley. Large fireplace adds ambience.

Recent Activity

August 23

Lorenzo Samuels @Waverley Hills Restaurant posted the photos: i-VFWvgdg-L, WH, i-zSTFSG4-L (Places)

5 years ago

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R46, Wolseley
Wolseley Western Cape 6835
+27 23 231 0002