Willow Creek Olive Estate

Weddings & Parties & Special Occasions
  • Nuy,Worcester
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • +023 342 5793

Who are we?

Goodness is in our Nature. Willow Creek is an internationally acclaimed producer of extra virgin olive oil. Our awards, both locally and internationally, serve as an affirmation of the superior quality of our oils.

Recent Activity

September 11

Siyanda Edwana @Willow Creek Olive Estate: Willow Creek is the 3rd option! On the way!!

5 years ago

August 27

Lorenzo Samuels @Willow Creek Olive Estate posted the photos: Willow Creek, Willow Creek3, Willow Creek2 (Things)

5 years ago

August 20

Lorenzo Samuels @Willow Creek Olive Estate shared a video: Lamb Chops, Chunky Baba Ganoush & Roasted Chickpea

5 years ago

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Worcester Western Cape
+023 342 5793