Winelands Paragliding

  • Blios, Vendome, Jan van Riebeeckweg
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)82 758 5845

Who are we?

Winelands Paragliding is an adventure tourism company focused on paragliding adventures. We offer mountain adventures, training packages and equipment sales and advice to the public. Mias de Klerk who started the company in 2013 has more than 15 years of paragliding experience and more than 5000 flights. All our staff is passionate about what they do and receive continues training to ensure we stay at the leading edge of our industry. Almost anybody can experience the thrill of free flight by flying tandem with an instructor. It takes just a few minutes to prepare and you’re off, gliding through the air in search of waves of lift. Experience the thrill of paragliding flight by joining us on one of our adventures.

Recent Activity

September 25

Wilandre Johnson @Winelands Paragliding posted the photos: GOPR0320.jpeg, GOPR3281.jpeg (Winelands Paragliding)

5 years ago

Wilandre Johnson @Winelands Paragliding posted the photos: G0021509.jpeg, G0010056.jpeg, 20170919_144032.jpeg, 20160809_180132.jpeg (Winelands Paragliding)

5 years ago

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