Winterberg Mountain Inn

  • R 43
  • Wolseley, Western Cape
  • 6830
  • +023 231 0860

Who are we?

The inn is situated on a portion of the original White Bridge farm. The main building used to be a wheat mill powered by a small stream that flowed right past the restaurant. The mill is said to have been built by Jan Mostert, the first European settler in the area (early 1700’s) and the driving force behind the first wagon trail over the mountains to Ceres. Parts of this mill can still be seen in the restaurant and garden (mill stone). It was, among others, once owned by David Graaff, brother of sir De Villiers-Graaff, as a weekend-getaway. His trout dams (where he cultivated trout for Cape Town’s Mount Nelson Hotel) can still be seen on the farm. Otters from the Breede River allegedly put an end to Graaff’s dream. Not so long ago the building was also the farm house of the Elze family who is said to have been the first producers of brie cheese on South African soil.

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R 43
Wolseley Western Cape 6830
+023 231 0860