• 140 Tulbagh Street, Worcester, 6849
  • Worcester, WC
  • 6850
  • +023 347 0426

Who are we?

MISSION To educate our learners, through our pursuit of excellence on all terrains as a value-driven educational institution with Afrikaans and English as teaching languages, towards disciplined, responsible, independent, ethically informed and critically thinking citizens who can confidently take up their rightful place within a multicultural society.EXCELLENCE IS OUR PASSION…

Recent Activity

December 18

Barbara Janse van Rensburg @Worcester Gymnasium posted the photos: 46024696_2168888976506712_4599308807443578880_n, 46791052_2191051470957129_3782386412628738048_n, A4 Blad, 44337495_2130070680388542_415118493352984576_n, 46024599_2168888889840054_5810027686952697856_n (Places)

6 years ago

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140 Tulbagh Street, Worcester, 6849
Worcester WC 6850
+023 347 0426