- Wysersdrift Farm, Goudiniweg
- Rawsonville, Western Cape
- 6845
- +082 822 9497
- dekaapwild@gmail.com
Who are we?
- Wysersdrift Wine and wildlife estate is situated in the heart of the Breede River Valley, and boast a large variety of Southern Africa's game species.Here visitors can revel in the sheer variety of animal, bird and plant life.
Recent Activity
August 27
Lorenzo Samuels @Wysersdrift Game drives posted the photos: Wysersdrif Game Breeders3, Wysersdrif Game Breeders2, Wysersdrif Game Breeders (Places)
6 years ago
June 28
Lize van Nieuwenhuizen @Wysersdrift Game drives posted the photos: Wysersdrif Game Drives-2, Wysersdrif Game Drives (2) (Something Interesting)
6 years ago
Rawsonville Western Cape 6845
+082 822 9497