XL Boland Travel Paarl (Pty) Ltd

  • 552 Aristea Close Boschenmeer / P.O.Box 364 Paarl
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 872 1581

Who are we?

Boland Travel specializes in Leisure Travel and Corporate Travel.  Our 14 staff members are well travelled, knowledgeable and experienced and together we believe in providing premium levels of service excellence. The best reference is a satisfied customer.

Recent Activity

February 16

Lorenzo Samuels @Boland Travel Paarl (Pty) Ltd posted the photos: DSC_3730, DSC_7866, DSC_7367 (Boland Travel Paarl)

8 years ago

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552 Aristea Close Boschenmeer / P.O.Box 364 Paarl
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 872 1581