
Food & Dining
  • 3 Blouvlei Rd
  • Wellington, Western Cape
  • 7655
  • +021 873 3311/082 451 8222

Who are we?

Zomerlust is a gastronomic experience set in a private home within walking distance from the centre of Wellington. It is an authentic “dining with a local” experience. As far as possible they prepare their meals from ingredients sourced from Wellington with an emphasis on fresh and organic produce. They have a set dinner menu every night. They also have light lunches available from Monday to Friday from 12h00 – 14h00. Bookings are essential. Own wine are welcome and there is no corkage fee. During the summer months they have Market Day on Friday afternoons between 13h00 and 18h00. Orders can be placed beforehand. Contact information: +27 (0) 82 451 8222. Cash or Snapscan are accepted.

Recent Activity

August 07

Sunè Samuels @Zomerlust-Wellington posted the photos: 8256_30442489_429172267496837_5119704882026119168_o, 8256_28450026_1607051186038969_1431717932_n, 8256_28109131_1596438750433546_609060932_n, 8256_26907639_111526319658260_2740041670942787685_n, 8256_3, 8256_26904173_111526506324908_8263064539021131924_n, 8256_4, 8256_12, 8256_11, 8256_2, 8256_10, 8256_9, 8256_1, 8256_7, 8256_8, 8256_5, 8256_6 (Something Interesting)

5 years ago

August 27

Lorenzo Samuels @Zomerlust-Wellington posted the photos: Zomerlust Wellington, Zomerlust Wellington3, Zomerlust Wellington2 (Something Interesting)

6 years ago

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3 Blouvlei Rd
Wellington Western Cape 7655
+021 873 3311/082 451 8222