Afrikaans Language Monument

  • Gideon Joubert Park, Jane Street, Touwsrivier
  • Touwsrivier

Who are we?

Founded on the 27th of March 1975 to commemorate Afrikaans as an independent language. A competition for the design was held and won by Referend Brand. The symbolism of the four corners goes further by acknowledging that our country’s development was influenced by people who entered our country from the North, South, East, and West.

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May 22

Touwsrivier Toerisme @Afrikaans Language Monument contributed to the wiki Profile Overview

4 months ago

January 06

Touwsrivier Toerisme @Afrikaans Language Monument posted a photo: WhatsApp Image 2022-03-01 at 1.06.04 PM (1).jpeg (Something Interesting)

2 years ago

Touwsrivier Toerisme @Afrikaans Language Monument posted a photo: Taal Monument en Class 23 (Something Interesting)

2 years ago

January 20

Chayan Singh @Afrikaans Language Monument published Symbolism of the Monument

3 years ago

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Symbolism of the Monument
v The stone foundation on which the foundation stands indicate the Afrikaans language...
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