
  • 5km outside Montagu on R318 , past Avalon Springs (hot springs) turnoff.
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +023 614 3305

Who are we?

Badensfontein is a beautiful farm in peaceful, tranquil surroundings. Situated 5km outside Montagu, a village on the scenic R62, it is the ideal place to relax and enjoy nature. Guests are encouraged to wander around the farm enjoying long walks through fields and vineyards. 'Steenbokkie', 'Merlot', 'Ribbok' and 'Ruby' are fully equipped luxury self catering cottages and Badensfontein is a lovely camping site for those seeking a close-to-nature experience. The cottages are close to the therapeutic hot pools of Montagu Springs

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Business Information

  • Owner: Sankie Jordaan
  • Number: +079 989 7241

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5km outside Montagu on R318 , past Avalon Springs (hot springs) turnoff.
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+023 614 3305