
  • Riverton Stud Farm, Bonnievale Rd,
  • Robertson, W Cape
  • 6705
  • +023 626 4309

Who are we?

Barry House on Riverton is a 4 star exclusive self catering historic manor (sleeps max 5 couples & 4 childen) on Riverton Thoroughbred Stud and Wine farm near Robertson in the Western Cape. It has been lovingly restored to its former glory whilst retaining its warm, welcoming ambience. Barry House is for the exclusive use of one booking party at a time.

Recent Activity

November 29

Natasha Barry @Barryhouse shared a video: Barry House on Riverton

7 years ago

Business Information

  • Owner: Duncan & Natasha Barry
  • Year Established: 2010
  • Awards: Voted one of top 3 farm stays by Country Life magazine
  • Ratings: 4

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Riverton Stud Farm, Bonnievale Rd,
Robertson W Cape 6705
+023 626 4309