Bosjes Kombuis

Food & Dining
  • R43 Bosjes Kombuis Bosjes Manor House
  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • 6850
  • South Africa
  • +023 004 0496

Who are we?

At the foot of the Waaihoek Mountain, situated in the beautiful Breede Valley, you will find the perfect hide away, Bosjes. With steep mountain ranges on both sides and the Breede River that winds through the valley, it is one of those tranquil, off the beaten track places, rich in history and natural splendour.

Recent Activity

July 03

March 22

Mark Greeff @Bosjes Kombuis posted a photo: Choices choices ... thank you everyone πŸ‘πŸ½ (Events)

7 years ago

Mark Greeff @Bosjes Kombuis posted a photo: Brunch about to start after the launch πŸ˜‹ (Events)

7 years ago

Mark Greeff @Bosjes Kombuis posted a photo: Great entrance ! (Events)

7 years ago

March 21

Mark Greeff @Bosjes Kombuis scheduled Launch of the 12 CWD apps

7 years ago

Mark Greeff @Bosjes Kombuis: This place looks awesome, can't wait to see it soonπŸ‘πŸ½

7 years ago

March 20

Mbali Buthelezi @Bosjes Kombuis posted a photo: Kombuis-04-683x1024 (Something Interesting)

7 years ago

Mbali Buthelezi @Bosjes Kombuis posted the photos: BK3, BK4, BK1, bK2, bk (Something Interesting)

7 years ago

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Bosjes Kombuis Bosjes Manor House
Worcester Western Cape 6850
+023 004 0496