Hi friends just check out my new videos. You are welcome to comment or likes my work. My Exhibition is still running at the Art Library in Cape Town.
Have a pleasant week
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Just some of my pieces on display at the Louis Joubert Art & Framing with thanks to the Paarl Art Society.

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A week ago, I attended a workshop in Cape Town. The Cape Craft Design Institude and American Corner, made it possible for presenting these 3 days workshop.
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Tomorow is my second days of a three days workshop at American Corner Space in Cape Town. The presenters is The Craft Design Institute .i Dont know if i must feel good or bad. The reason is i am the only one from Drakenstein . From PAARL . I ased myself what is wrong .We had a lot of members in Drakenstein.and Paarl tourism I hope that our members read th their mails and join the workshops , because there are very free courses and workshops. There are members who want to help us. Al what they need is just ons step from us.
So that's it . Lets take hands and make our city the most best of all.
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We should becareful how we use water . Paarl is an amazing city and we need to make wise water decisions .
Lovely people - but we must remember, water is higher than money. no water .no life.

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I designed this logo in paint.net . It's free hand and only used the mouse. It doesn't look not too bad

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Just a little something I thought I'd share, Charles Artworks has managed to sell one of his paintings to an American client, who absolutely loved his painting she sent him this amazing digital camera as an extra gift.
Well Done Charles, Keep it up!!!!!

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This is the part where the poilet paper is roll on .I cut it and glue it with wood glue . I make flowers . Frames and any kind of thing from it .
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Kuns en houtwerk was die vakke wat ek glad nie voorbereidings getref het as dit by eksamen kom nie. Ek teken al van kindsbeen af. By Nederburg Primer het ek telkemale die tekenbord gehaal . Mnr Mathyse was destyds my kuns onderwyser. By Klein Nederbug onder Mnr Lourens se Lering was ek ook iemand om mee rekening te hou. Na skool het ek maar op my eie aan gegaan. Ek het 1995 by die Suid Afrikaanse Weermag aangesluit. Daar het ek steeds aanhou skilder. Omdat ek nie die waarde van my werke geken het nie het my werke of eienaars gekry of tot niet gegaan . In daardie tyd het ek begin om skaalmodelle ( huisies ) van Vuurhoutjies te bou. Ek het dit as tydverdryf gemaak waarvan ek in 1993 een aan die Paarl Museum, McGregor Museum in Kimberley geskenk het. Dit sal later daar uitgestal word.
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