De Morgenzon

Food & Dining
  • Stellenboschkloof Road
  • Vlottenburg, Stellenbosch
  • 7599
  • +27 (0)21 881 3030

Who are we?

All wine estates in the Western Cape are beautiful and all have unique terroir. However, we believe that DeMorgenzon is the most extraordinary of them all. Our slopes rise from about 200m to nearly 400m above sea level and our vistas embrace Cape Town, Table Mountain, Cape Point, Cape Hangklip, the Hottentots Holland mountains, Helderberg and Simonsberg with the ocean as a backdrop. While we could call ourselves 'mountain vineyards' we prefer to be known as 'garden vineyards'. In Spring specially chosen wildflowers flourish between our vines. We have no doubt that a biodiverse and ecologically sensitive environment produces infinitely better grapes and the beauty of our gardens is captured in every bottle of our wine.


Recent Activity

June 28

Mbali Buthelezi @De Morgenzon posted a photo: DE Morgenzon (Something Interesting)

8 years ago

October 15

Community Manager @De Morgenzon scheduled Pink Drive!

10 years ago

November 27

Janice Scheckter @De Morgenzon contributed to the wiki Profile Message

1 decade ago

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