• Cnr. N1 & Voortrekker Rd
  • De Doorns, Western Cape
  • 6875
  • +27 23 356 2041

Conserving Tourism - Graham Abrahams

Posted by Melanie Esterhuyse on 27 September 2021 9:45 AM CAT
Melanie Esterhuyse photo

Civic Commitment comes in many forms: community involvement, fundraising, development programs, special needs assistance and environmental clean up, to name a few. "Giving back" to the community is what volunteering is all about.

Teamwork is key. All volunteers have a singleness of purpose, a shared cause that results in a shared accomplishment and sense of satisfaction.

It takes many hands and many hearts to complete our mission. Unity provides a strength that is denied to the individual. By working together, many things can be accomplished. Join us in this cause of conserving our natural resources and keeping our heritage alive.

Enjoy listening to Mr. Graham Abrahams Chairman of the Hex River Valley Heritage and Conservation Society: https://youtu.be/hlgh1jVffUg

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Land Art

Posted by Melanie Esterhuyse on 14 September 2021 3:30 PM CAT
Melanie Esterhuyse photo
#LandArt is all about creating something from anything natural you can get your hands on. Whether it's in your own garden, outdoors while camping or strolling along the beach.
Be sure to have your mobile phone or camera handy to capture it and share it with us!

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Leaving a Legacy

Posted by Melanie Esterhuyse on 13 September 2021 11:45 AM CAT
Melanie Esterhuyse photo

What does it mean to leave a legacy?
It means putting a stamp on the future and making a contribution to future generations. People want to leave a legacy because they want to feel that their life mattered. Leaving a personal legacy involves more than the finacial assets you bestow on the younger generation. A lasting legacy is one that inspires, equip and allow others to continue to advance.

In this interview with local Land Artist, Erika Lüttich, she shares her insights on this subjects. Enjoy watching: https://youtu.be/-GOhQ-KEaz4

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