Holden Manz Wine Estate - Spa

  • Green Valley Road
  • Franschhoek, Western Cape
  • 7690
  • +021 876 2738

Who are we?

A franschhoek hotel & spa like no other, the holden manz guest house is located on a small, verdant estate at the edge of the quaint boland town of franschhoek. the property was turned into a wine estate in 1999. a feng shui consultant angled the building in a northwesterly direction to ensure an uninhibited flow of chi. according to the consultant, the holden manz manor house is one of the most ideal places one could ever live. the farm is nestled between the franschhoek and stony brook rivers, the latter of which runs dry for six months of the year. at the convergence of these two rivers lies ‘the dragon’, a large rock which according to feng shui principles, bounces good chi back upon the estate. on the other side of the estate, the franschhoek mountains keep watch. look closely and you’ll see the outlines of a majestic elephant head, with its watchful eye in the mountainside. add to all of this the sparse elegance of the house’s cape dutch architecture and a prevailing sense of

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Green Valley Road
Franschhoek Western Cape 7690
+021 876 2738