Strooidak Church

  • Main Road
  • Paarl, Western Cape
  • 7646
  • +27(0)21 872 4396

Who are we?

One of the oldest and most historic churches in South Africa. The church represents the vernacular style of the period with its simple cross design and gracious gables. It was designed by a German military engineer Major Georg Conrad Kuchler. The austere interior reflects the Calvinistic ethic of the Dutch Reformed church. The neo-classical bell tower dates from the 1811.

Recent Activity

February 21

Lorenzo Samuels @Strooidak Church posted the photos: Paarl Heritage - Strooidak Church Building, Graveyard at Strooidak Church (Strooidak Church)

8 years ago

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Main Road
Paarl Western Cape 7646
+27(0)21 872 4396