Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards

  • Off Annandale Road Helderberg
  • Stellenbosch, Western Cape
  • +27 (0)21 880 1683

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A Review From a Satisfied Customer

Dear Uva Mira Team,

Last night I put a bottle of your Sav Blanc on ice for an hour. There were three of us “a la table” and I opened the screw-cap. We then sat back to evaluate the whole experience. We love your wine labels. Sophisticated-simplistic-great brand name-unpresumptuous and somehow the label left us believing that the experience WAS going to be worthwhile. I found that in itself interesting.

I poured the wine, filling the three glasses a third full. The wine seemed to flow in a sort of rhythmic way, a bit like a very low viscosity oil. And it’s colour of light citrus honey seemed to help it flow in a sort of particularly unique, pleasing way. When wine reflects light through its colour its somehow more inviting. This Sav Blanc did that.

I do believe in ‘the nose’ but it must be a brief encounter. That quick ‘hello’ is enough to say “yes please” , or produce a few half mooned creases on each side of the mouth. Moya’s eyes sparkled. I tilted my head with a Dickens title. There were clearly great expectations in the offing.
Then Moya and I suddenly had to serve the evening meal. That to was interesting because in hind-site, and without trying to imagine it, the smell of the wine seemed to linger. 10 minutes the memory of the smell was still there to confirm that Dickenstonian sentiment. There was an infusement of oak.

I lifted my glass and the tree of offered the wine maker and yourself a toast of well being.

And then we drank. Bruce. All that I had hoped for, came to fruition. This is a great wine. It is balanced, wholesome and extraordinarily elegant. Full of fruit. It washes so well throughout the mouth. Bombarding the taste buds with wonderful things. An hr later one still tastes the wine and the memory. That’s a great test too.

Well done to all concerned. When we come to the Cape in the new year I would love to bring Moya to your farm and buy some more when in JHB.

Go well and thanks for the experience. With best regards Howard and Moya

Kind Regards
Howard Blight

Uva Mira Mountain Vineyards photo