Dwarsrivier Tourism

  • P.O. Box 441 Pniel
  • Pniel
  • 7681
  • +021 885 2467

Kylemore Trots- Herschel Jantjies

Posted by Lavinia Goshai on 22 July 2019 6:25 AM CAT
Lavinia Goshai photo

"Dit borrel in my, want ek is so bly!"

Nogmaals dankie aan elkeen van julle wie so wonderlik as een man saamgestaan het ons ons land se nuwe rugby sensasie te ondersteun.

Ons het einlik gehoop dat sowat 50 mense sou opdaag. Little did we know. Daar was klomp! Die gees was absoluut fantasties! Braaivleis, potjiekos, langarm musiek en natuurlik ons klong, Herschel Jerome Jantjies.

Hierdie week keer ons egter terug na die liga en speel dan weg teen Elsiesrivier. Met die gees wat tans heers, nooi ons U almal uit om ons span te ondersteun.

Onthou, die Bokke speel Saterdagoggend teen die All Blacks, nou wonder ons, vir wie gaan die Kylemore-Nieu-Seelanders ondersteun?

Belangrike datums om ook na uit te sien. 
- Elke ligawedstryd wat voorlĂȘ.
- Ons Bekeruitdeling (Kaartjies sal binnekort versprei word. Wanneer? (Einde Oktober of die begin van November (Net na die World Cup *hint-hint)
- Algemene Vergadering (TBA)

Wat dink jy, moet ons al Herschel se games op die big screen gooi en wat het jy gedink van die gees wat Saterdag, by ons, op die veld geheers het?

deur- Kylemore RFC

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ThrowbackMemories- Pniel

Posted by Lavinia Goshai on 25 June 2019 4:10 AM CAT
Lavinia Goshai photo

The name Mr. Muller brings so much memories back of yesteryear.

He was a friend to the whole community  not just Pniel, but Dwarsrivier Valley. 

His shop was legendary,....you had a problem you go to Mr. Muller and he will give help or find what you need. 

Especially the young ones getting their handfull of 'appelkosies' and an extra treat,...just because. If you got married you'd get a present if it was your birthday, well he had something for you!

Then there was the petrol pump too,..and believe it or not nobody cared to wait.

Some remenisce over the smell of the shop,...antique-ish and homey, some still dream about the variety of sweets,...droplekkers, name lekkers, you name it he had it.

Oh , how we miss the good old days!!

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Spoil Dad this Sunday with a stay over at Hillcrest Berry Orchards.

A working Berry farm with stunning views, fresh produce, breakfast, lunch and special treats.

Buy jams, berries and hand made products from the locals.

Hillcrest Berry Cottages:

The 3 bedroomed cottage is perfect for the long weekend. With DSTV, fireplace and fully equipped kitchen. This is indeed calling for a winter snuggle.

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Bread Platter Experience- Boschendal Farm

Posted by Lavinia Goshai on 10 June 2019 6:30 AM CAT
Lavinia Goshai photo

Next time you visit be sure to make the Boschendal Bread Plate a part of your dining experience.

Invite you family and friends along to experience the farm living lifestyle of Boschendal Farm. Fresh produce and organic living is part of the sustainable future of the farm.

The Bread Plate includes whipped flavoured butter, beef tallow and spring onion elmulsion, exquisite combination!! Now imagine combining that with a wine tasting. Pair and taste.

Make that your wanderlust experience for winter or everyday.

Make your booking: 021 870 4235

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