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Mobile apps and Tourism - the linkage

Posted by Ayanda Khuzwayo on 31 July 2018 4:30 AM CAT
Ayanda Khuzwayo photo

Looking at the tourism landscape in 2018, one could confidently say that Technolgy has transformed the tourism industry. But why have travel apps become so popular? Travel-based mobile apps were the 7th most downloaded apps in the year 2016. tourism mobile makes it easier for the tourism sector to access their markets in a faster and cost-effective way. Not only this but also Collaboration amongst entrepreneurs on a tourist route is then fostered. 

1. One factor that has led to the travel apps becoming increasingly popular, is the fact that tourism apps do not only improve the travel experience of the potential tourists, but they benefit tourism-based companies as well. Engagement and reach can now be possible, bringing Tourism Authorities and its consumers closer together.

2. The increase in the number of people using Smartphones has also played a vital role in this regard. In 2018, the estimated figures of smartphone owners in South Africa was at 20,3 million which is close to half of the country's' population. Guidebooks, travel offices and compasses have been replaced by fully featured mobile apps accessible to travelers anywhere and anytime. 

3. What has also played a central role in the growing of travel mobile apps, has been the improved user experience. Users of the mobile apps use them for online ticketing, getting destination details and locating attractions. Users also use the apps to find reviews about a destination they are planning to visit. Mobile apps have definitely become a powerful marketing tool for Local Tourism Authorities. 

in addition to this Tourism mobile apps can definitely enhance the travel authorities visibility and presence in and around the travel Industry. Through mobile apps, companies can reach out to millions of users by a single click and race miles ahead of Competition! 

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