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Why collaborate

Posted by Janice Scheckter on 28 July 2019 10:15 AM CAT
Janice Scheckter photo

I’ve written so extensively on the need and benefits of collaboration over the past few years, that I felt unsure about the title of this very simple blog. But the intent is a simple reminder of the ‘why.


The ability to work collaboratively in terms of workplace skills sits right alongside critical thinking and problem-solving.  

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Why we need a more human internet

Posted by Janice Scheckter on 13 March 2019 9:10 AM CAT
Janice Scheckter photo

Platforms, The Platform Revolution, Communities and customer retention, the building of smart connected ecosystems – there’s a wealth of topics, yet I still managed a fortnight of blog writer’s block. Then I listened to Reid Hoffman interview Caterina Fake, one of the co-founders of Flicker. “We need a more human internet,” says Fake (and yes over the years this surname has apparently caused pain, including the cancellation of travel tickets, social media reporting and more.)

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Like me, from time to time, you possibly feel that the pace of innovation is pretty insane and sometimes even overwhelming. In just a few years we’ve probably changed over 50% of the way in which we consume stuff. The Collaborative Era thinking, that ‘access’ triumphs over ‘ownership’, coupled with the management of excess, has driven disruption in many areas including, transport and accommodation, among others. With access to a world of talent, acquisition of skills and services in business today is so radically different and would have been unimaginable just 10 years ago. Creative destruction caused by technology is rampant. Are you still asking WHY you need a community? 

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Communities are without a doubt becoming more and more critical to business, to civil society and non-government organisations, and to government. For the past few years, we’ve curated content and written prolifically about collaboration. A few months ago I decided on a reboot as collaboration is a strong outcome of shared-purpose communities and it seemed prudent to, in some ways rewind to the basics and in other ways fast forward to how communities are built, nurtured, measured and sustained.

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