James January

  • Worcester, Western Cape
  • +0782598763

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My Profile

  • Hometown: Paarl
  • Occupation: Director- Business Development
  • Favorite website: https://saiba.org.za/
  • When I'm not online...: I am reading a book.
  • What's interesting about me?: The well-being, encompasses, quality of life and the ability of people and societies to contribute to the world with a sense of meaning and purpose.
  • Favorite quote: I am the voice of the voiceless - Proverbs 31:8-9
  • Favorite movie: Amerlcan Gangsta - Denzil Washington
  • Favorite book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • Favorite song: What about us - Michael Jackson
  • Favorite sport: Chess and Soccer
  • Favorite sports team: Chelsea FC
  • Favorite restaurant: Grande Roche Hotel Restuarant
  • Favorite club: Vredenburg Rubgy Club
  • Favorite color: Red
  • Favorite food: Nothing specific
  • Favorite animal: My dog Max
  • Astrological sign: Leo