• 27 Bath Street
  • Montagu, Western Cape
  • 6720
  • +27 23 614 2471



Top 10 Attractions


Health and Wellness

Places of Interest



Food and Drinks



Who are we?

This perfect getaway in the Langeberg, near the Robertson Wine Valley and not far from the Breede River Valley, takes some time to explore. The beautiful town of Montagu, famous for more than its Hot Springs is the perfect retreat for eco, wellness and adventure sports, as well as golfing holidays, wine and food! Montagu is situated on Route 62 approximately 2 hours drive from Cape Town and leads into the Little Karoo.


Recent Activity

September 02

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism published Happy Arbor Day!

5 days ago

August 21

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism scheduled HSM Choir festival

2 weeks ago

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism scheduled Karoo Saloon - Normadic Orchestra

3 weeks ago

August 12

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism published Avalon Hot Springs Discount!

4 weeks ago

July 30

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism scheduled Montagu Trail Festival

1 month ago

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism published Montagu Trail Festival

1 month ago

July 24

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism scheduled Park & Run

1 month ago

Siyanda Edwana @Montagu Tourism scheduled Montagu Village Market - Christmas in July

1 month ago

July 10

June 20

June 19

November 13

Organization Information

  • Services: Destination marketing and tourism information
  • No. of Employees: 3
  • Hours of operation: Office Hours: 16 Sep - 14 May Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 6:00pm Saturdays/Hols: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 11:00am - 13:00pm 15 May - 15 Sep Monday - Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm Saturdays/Hols: 9:00am - 5:00pm Sunday: 11:00am - 13:00pm

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Recent Posts

Montagu Tourism photo
Happy Arbor Day!
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Montagu Tourism photo
Avalon Hot Springs Discount!
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Montagu Tourism photo
Montagu Trail Festival
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27 Bath Street
Montagu Western Cape 6720
+27 23 614 2471