• P.O. Box 264
  • McGregor
  • 6708
  • +27 23 625 1954

Welcome to a creative experience designed by an Artist, Teacher and Specialist Wellness Counsellor. Carl Jung said that in everyone some kind of artist is hiding. This workshop will take you on a wonderful journey back to the true self, the constant unchanging self, the knowing self. Prepare to let yourself go in a holistic space where you will be inspired to elevate your creative awareness. Learn about lost aspects of yourself such as clarity and the ensuing happiness it brings.


Relinquish stress and process your emotions as you reconnect through creative consciousness and self-expression into joy and light.


You don’t need to be an artist, everyone is creative and this workshop is designed to have fun and meditate. The experience does not only involve and is not just about the materials as much as it is about you discovering yourself, In the process of creating. Creativity is a very healing and taps into our inner beings enabling us to learn about interesting areas in our individual subconscious, so valuable in relationships, either with ourselves or with others. You should leave this workshop feeling enlightened.


I look forward to welcoming you on the Friday at dinner 6.30pm at Tebaldis.


Cost of retreat is inclusive of workshop on Saturday and morning, all materials, accommodation and two dinners and two breakfasts at Temenos.


R1960pp for two nights and the Sunday night is free should you wish to stay on. Meals excluding Sunday and Monday but feel free to book at the Temenos restaurant or explore the village.


Mary-Louise has been an Art Teacher for over 20 years as well as an award-winning professional Artist and is registered with the ASCHP as a Specialist Wellness Counsellor. She has dealt with many issues around art as she has helped people through life experiences by using the medium and watching them flourish as a result. She is also an open water long distant swimmer who has done the Robben Island Swim, a writer and a very proud mother of three amazing children. Contact her on 0795149074 to book.


The Artist Roy Adzak cleverly states that good art is not what it looks like but what it does to us.

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Posted by McGregor Tourism McG on 04 August 2021 10:00 AM CAT
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 POETRY IN MCGREGOR is moving to NOVEMBER from 2021 onwards. We have always wanted to hold the festival in November but chose not to due to the number of other annual events taking place in and around McGregor in November. November’s weather is perfect festival weather with warm days, little wind and no rain. With so many other annual events no longer taking place we are taking the opportunity to move the festival to November in 2021 and plan to keep the festival in the second weekend of November from 2021 onwards. The bonus this year is that it will also be a relatively safer time to hold the festival in terms of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic with more people having being vaccinated and the summer weather not being as conducive to the spread of the virus. Poetry in McGregor 2021 FRIDAY 19-SUNDAY 21 NOVEMBER 2021 will be an intimate and celebratory  festival featuring  over 70 poets performing in group events.

We trust that those of you who have already booked accommodation in August will be able to change your reservations to November. Please contact our office at Temenos ASAP . if you have reserved accommodation in McGregor please contact the Tourism office 023 625 1954


For those of you who would still like to enjoy a weekend in August in McGregor, Patricia Schonstein and Jane de Sousa will be reading the beautiful  poetry of Chris Mann, Hugh Hodge, Candy Rhode and  Bernard Levinson, beloved poets who passed away over these past few months. This will be a celebration evening and include a three course dinner at Tebaldi’s during which poems will be read and glasses raised.

This will take place on Saturday 28 August.

-Three course meal plan and a complimentary glass of sherry R230

Should you be interested to join us, please reserve your seat at Tebaldi’s 023 625 1115



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Posted by McGregor Tourism McG on 23 July 2021 8:00 AM CAT
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Calling both wine lovers and all those visitors who would like to hike, bike, wander or drive through our beautiful valley. The McGregor Wine Meander is a winding 15km route through vine-clad hills, past orchards, farmsteads and stretches of veld where nature rules supreme. It includes our village, and along the way are three stops, two beautiful wine farms and a village Garagiste, where our winemakers and farmers share passion and hospitality with their enticing ranges of wine

Our wines are becoming known for their surprising diversity, consistent quality and great value for money. Extraordinary variety within one small wine-producing district means that visitors can sample single vineyard whites, reds and rosés. These include fine   Bemind and Colombard from Tanagra that present delicious examples of former humble, but now trendy grapes that have been raised to new quality levels. Lord’s tempts with award-winning Cap Classiques, and from the three producers, a variety of magnificent reds including Shiraz, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and voguish Pinot Noir.

And that’s not all! One producer, Tanagra Winery and Distillery, also presents a range of spirits: In 2009 Robert Rosenbach set up his imported still with help from a German master distiller. Today he works on his own, distilling pomace and lees from superior cellars into impressive marc (grappa) and whole orchards of lemons and stone fruit into eau de vie. Both these aperitifs and digestifs impress local and Continental palates. The farm’s delectable orange liqueur, which enjoys a large following, offers consumers a sweet spirit with a lower alcohol level.

In the heart of the village travellers will find Bemindwyne where owner and winemaker Ilse van Dijk Schutte works – when she is not out collecting her chosen grapes from wine farms in the surrounding valleys. Her operation is the fulfilment of a decade-long ambition which saw her move south from Potchefstroom to Stellenbosch University and finally on to McGregor. Her range of handcrafted wines has drawn high praise from near and far although many are disappointed at finding their favourite label sold out. Among the perennial favourites are her bone-dry MCC produced from local Chenin Blanc, her zesty Sauvignon Blanc and her appealing Cinsaut. The Shiraz is the red for fans of full-bodied reds which pair well with red meats.

While many wineries in the region boast picturesque settings, few can compare with that of Lord’s. Perched high on the slopes of the Sonderend mountains north of McGregor, the thatched cellar and stunning adjoining function area are surrounded by vines, backed by hectares of fynbos and proteas.

The Oosthuizen family dominates farming here with fruit, vegetables, flowers – and wine. Little more than a decade ago Jacie Oosthuizen identified 13ha of cool terroir where he planted pinot noir and chardonnay, built his cellar and launched his maiden vintage in 2006. Visitors can taste, buy, order light lunches, and book attractive accommodation. The wine menu offers two Cap Classiques, the delicious rosé and the classic Brut which has garnered a fistful of awards. Sauvignon blanc, Chardonnay and Chenin are offset by two reds, the Shiraz and the hugely popular Pinot Noir.

The old adage – arrive as strangers, leave as friends – could have been coined for this valley. There’s also a Tasting Box to take home which contains six of the most popular Meander wines.  In anticipation of your tastings we will raise a glass in welcome with traditional toasts of Cheers! Gesondheid! And, with a nod to our Scottish heritage, Slainte!


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Posted by McGregor Tourism McG on 12 July 2021 8:00 AM CAT
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INVITATION to Poets to participate in Poetry in McGregor 2021 IN ABSENTIA
‘Die Tuin Van die Beminde’

Dear Poets,

This year, in spite of uncertain times, we are proceeding with our ninth year of celebrating the Art of Poetry in McGregor. We are aware that many poets are unable to attend the festival in person this year due to the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are therefore creating a digital platform through which poets can participate in this year’s festival, in absentia.
Poets can submit a poem to be read by a group of actors and voice artists in the In Absentia video which will be screened at this year’s festival and posted on the website. Poems can be from a poet’s new body of work or on this year’s theme, the Garden of the Beloved.
 If wish to participate send the following to
info@poetryinmcgregor.co.za by SATURDAY 31 JULY:

  • Your full name and contact details – email and telephone
  • Your poem
  • Five lines about the writing of this poem – what inspired you to write it, the writing process, the evolution of the poem’s creation
  • A photograph of yourself
    You can contact the Coordinator, Jane De Sousa, with any questions:
    021 – 447 9325, 072 446 5420, info@poetryinmcgregor.co.za
    We look very forward to hearing from you.
    Warm Regards
    Billy Kennedy
    Chairman: McGregor Poetry Festival 2021

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Run 2 Nowhere

Posted by McGregor Tourism McG on 02 July 2021 8:00 AM CAT
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For the Love of the Trail!

Since 2017

Relaxed vibe, awesome atmosphere, and trail running routes that will keep you talking the whole year!

The event is aimed at trail runners that would like to attempt their first 2-day trail run

or runners preparing for longer multi-day events.

The route offers a good challenge and reward and consists of mainly single tracks, a few open gravel roads, and some steep climbs with amazing views. Due to the moderate running distances and climbing per day participants have the opportunity to spend the afternoon exploring the town or relaxing with friends and family – making it an ideal weekend away and enjoying the outdoors!



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Ride 2 Nowhere

Posted by McGregor Tourism McG on 29 June 2021 8:00 AM CAT
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For the Love of the Ride!

Since 2012

Experience the amazing trails, picturesque views, tranquillity and hospitality that the small town of McGregor offers as we present a mountain biking and running festival over the weekend of 11-12 September 2021

Experience proper mountain biking trails covering various terrain with beautiful views of the valley and surroundings of McGregor.

It is a unique opportunity to explore this remote region of the cape on a mountain bike by getting access to routes and trails you wouldn’t on any other day. The riding is typically ‘Karoo’ – more rugged and technical than many of the other more groomed trails that see countless wheels per year.

The event is known for its festive and relaxed atmosphere, and we welcome your family and friends to be a part of the event weekend.



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